Vinyl Solutions welcomes new Buyer into its Operations team
June 5, 2018
New Executive Assistant Joins the Vinyl Solutions team
June 13, 2018Vinyl Solutions team take on London to Brighton Cycle this weekend!
It’s only a few days now until Vinyl Solutions Managing Director Ben Hart forms part of the Vinyl Solutions team taking on the London to Brighton cycle ride, all on behalf of our charity of the year the British Heart Foundation.

Taking place this Sunday 17th June, the team will be riding together on the course covering a gruelling 54 miles!
Ben Hart, Managing Director for Vinyl Solutions said:
“Only a few days to go now until the big ride at the weekend and we’re really looking forward to it. It’s all in aid of the British Heart Foundation and I like to say a huge thank you to all that have donated so far – it really means a lot!I it will be hard work – but it is all worth it as it is raising money for a great cause.”
To find out more about the ride and to make a donation, please visit the team’s Just Giving page here: https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/vinyl-solutions-london-to-brighton
By Ben Hart, Managing Director
On 11/06/2018